Raja Luis and Shri GS Kaleji discuss the 73 gardens of the Maharishi Veda land that is being built in India—update

Update: Since this post came out in September, new videos of this remarkable project have been released by Maharishi Channel; showing Khaleji on a video of himself with Raja Luis (on audio) on the beautiful land above the lake, the meditation caves he is building, a dwelling nearby also with fabulous views, bonsai gardens with a pundit mandap in place, and his wonderful guru approaching across the gardens and praising both Khaleji’s achievement and the Vedic knowledge that Maharishi and Maharaj have given to transform the world.

Kaleji once again shows his command of Vedic knowledge as it pertains to Maharaja’s Veda in human physiology and how he is integrating all this knowledge into his Maharishi Veda Land. Go here to view the Sept 23 video “The Vedic Sanskaras with Sri GS Kale and Raja Luis” and Sept 29 “Viewing the territory of the Veda Land project in India with Raja Luis and Sri GS Kale-ji.”

August 28: “Raja Luis and Shri GS Kaleji discuss the 73 gardens of the Maharishi Veda land that is being built in India—part 2.

This video on Maharishi Channel describes an exciting new development for India and the world with a leading Indian entrepreneur Shri GS Kaleji and his project to establish near Mumbai a beautiful Vedic complex for the people of India including Vedic gardens, Maharishi AyurVeda clinics, hundreds of apartment villas built according to Maharishi Sthapatya Veda, celebration halls, and secluded accommodations for Vedic Pundits, Purusha and Mother Divine. Go to the Maharishi Channel page here and navigate to the videos on August 18 and August 28

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2 Responses

  1. Irina Roginskaya says:

    Jai Guru Dev!
    My Name is Irina Roginskaya . I am Sidha from Moscow. I would like to participate at the project of Maharishi Veda land in Puna. Can I come there and to help being there?

    • A says:

      Hello Irina,
      You can contact the administrators of Vedaland on the web site at vedaland.org and enquire if the are options for Sidhas to participate. Good luck!

      Jai Guru Dev

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