Category: Movement news

Maharishi’s Global Super-Radiance Program

In April the leader of the Global Country of World Peace, Dr Tony Nader, re-enlivened the Global Super-Radiance Program created and instituted by Maharishi some decades ago. The purpose of the program is to...

MGFamily Chat 24 March 2020 – A very special time of major transformation – Raja Luis

Raja Luis echoed the words of Maharaja a few days ago, that we are passing through a very special time of transformation, where the creation of coherence is so important by all our Movement family, and...

Maharishi AyurVeda health tips to help prevent infection

Maharishi AyurVeda health tips to help prevent infection ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. POINTS SOURCED FROM  DR RAINER PICHA, DR WALTER MOELK, VAIDYA MOHANDAS BALAKRISHNA, AND DR OLIVER WERNER TOPICS COVERED 1. Maharishi AyurVeda recommendations 2. Maharishi AyurVeda...

Consciousness based education around the world

Unsettled Start to New Decade which holds Great Promise-Jyotish News January 2020

The first section of this post is Planetary News January 2020 from a jyotishi who I consider maintains a steady attunement to the Vedic core of Jyotish, and who is far removed from speculation....

Australian bushfires – “What can we do?”

“What can we do?” In the face of overwhelming fiery drama on TV news, and messages from our friends experiencing it first hand it seems impossible that on our own we can do anything...

‘Helping to avert natural disaster in Australia’

M AH AR I S H I V E D I C P AN D I T S __________________________________ Please read down to see our immediate action steps and the critical time line Dear...

The Joy of Dipavali

Happy Dipavali! The three principal celebrations days of Dipavali, the Festival of Lights, are Dhanvantari Day, Hanuman Jayanti, and day of Mahalakshmi. Dhanvantari Jayanti celebrates the emergence of Dhanvantari, the presiding intelligence over Ayur...

Maharishi AyurVeda on the Move

Dr Robert Schneider’s global tour for integrating Maharishi AyurVeda into modern medicine This past spring, Robert Schneider, MD, FACC, Dean of MUM’s College of Integrative Medicine, traveled across the globe to champion the integration...

India Post is Releasing Stamp of Maharishi as part of Master Healers of AYUSH issue

India Post is issuing a set of postage stamps on master healers of AYUSH on 21st June 2019.AYUSH consists of alternate medical systems of India Ayurveda,Yoga,Unani,Siddha and Homeopathy.In India The Ministry of AYUSH was...